Tapio­land — a water dogs dream

The Tapio­land inland swim­ming pool, loca­ted in the cour­ty­ard of Tapion Tupa pro­vi­des water fun for both children and older water dogs. Enjoy a stea­my sau­na, take a refres­hing dip in the pool or throw your­self into the water sli­de! Pool water hea­ted with domes­tic wood energy.


  • adult pool depth approx. 1,6 – 2 meters
  • children’s pool depth approx. 0,5 – 0,8 meters
  • children’s wading pool depth approx. 0,2 – 0,3 meters
  • a water sli­de for kids and a litt­le older ones



Will be ope­ned again in the Sum­mer 2025.

Tic­kets 7,90 eur/person inclu­ding sau­na use, tic­ket valid all day.

Serial tic­kets also avai­lable!

Enjoy your swim!