Art Exhi­bi­tions

Stop for a moment and enjoy the art expe­riences insi­de and out­doors. Various art exhi­bi­tions are orga­nized at Tapio Tupa, and the­re are also skil­led wood car­vings in the yard.

Exhi­bi­tions are changing

Kala­jo­ki­laak­so Art Associa­tion exhi­bi­tion on the ground floor.

The exhi­bi­tions on the ground floor chan­ge 4 times a year.

The second floor mee­ting / exhi­bi­tion space has art exhi­bi­tions that chan­ge about once a month.

Tapion Tupa’s Sini­si­vel­lin Gal­le­ry is open from June to mid-September.

Forest His­to­ry Associa­tion Alnus’ forest his­to­ry exhi­bi­tion on the second floor of the cafe

The pur­po­se of the associa­tion is to pre­ser­ve, pro­mo­te and pro­mo­te the his­to­ry and sig­ni­ficance of forests in Cent­ral Ostro­both­nia and inter­na­tio­nal­ly, as well as to fos­ter the life-work of the forest industry’s key people and research in this area. The com­pa­ny orga­nizes chan­ging exhi­bi­tions at Tapion Tupa.