
The goal of sus­tai­nable deve­lop­ment is to ensu­re that pre­sent and futu­re gene­ra­tions have good oppor­tu­ni­ties for living. This also means the envi­ron­ment, people and the eco­no­my are trea­ted equal­ly in deci­sion-making and action.

All the com­pa­ny’s acti­vi­ties, i.e. the main buil­ding, accom­mo­da­tion, cara­van area and water park Tapio­land are all loca­ted on self-owned land. The landsca­pe has been pre­ser­ved natu­ral sur­roun­dings and the com­pa­ny is sur­roun­ded by a pine forest. The expan­sion of the accom­mo­da­tion faci­li­ties over the years has been car­ried out with mini­mum impact on the natu­ral environment.

The com­pa­ny is hea­ted with woodc­hip hea­ting and supple­men­ted with solar panels. Chips are pro­duced part­ly (about 20%) from trees in our own forest and the rest is purc­ha­sed from ent­repre­neurs in the sur­roun­ding area. The ener­gy from the solar panels covers about 25%-35% of the total ener­gy and the bene­fits are obtai­ned from the begin­ning of April to the end of Sep­tem­ber.

The con­sump­tion of elect­rici­ty and water is saved by the use of LED and sen­sor lights and auto­ma­tic taps and auto­ma­tic ligh­ting sys­tems.
Was­te recycling is car­ried out by the rules. The­re is a recycling point in the yard for orga­nic was­te, card­board, plas­tic, mixed was­te, glass and metal. Our staff are used to being thrif­ty in the eve­ry­day life of a small busi­ness and we encou­ra­ge our cus­to­mers to do the same. We instruct our cus­to­mers to pay atten­tion to saving water and elect­rici­ty.
70% of the clea­ning pro­ducts used are eco-label­led.

Tapion Tupa ser­ves lunch in it’s res­tau­rant eve­ry day. The­re is hard­ly any use of proces­sed ingre­dients and the food is pre­pa­red in-house from scratch in a home-sty­le coo­king sty­le. Bread, buns and pies used in the meals and the café are baked in-house.

Using domes­tic ener­gy and pro­vi­ding home-made clean food and recycling was­te helps to reduce the com­pa­ny’s car­bon footprint.

Tapion Tupa has par­tici­pa­ted in Per­ho PRO’s Laa­tu­ton­ni Q1000 ‑qua­li­ty award pro­gram­me, which is tai­lo­red to the tou­rism industry and based on inter­na­tio­nal qua­li­ty deve­lop­ment cri­te­ria, and has been awar­ded the Qua­li­ty Ton­ni Diplo­ma. Tapion Tupa has also been cer­ti­fied HI‑Q&S by the GSTC (Glo­bal Sus­tai­nable Tou­rism Council).

Tapion Tupa has also under­go­ne Visit Fin­land’s pro­gram and meets all the cri­te­ria set for the label. We have the­re­fo­re been awar­ded the Sus­tai­nable Tra­vel Fin­land label as a recog­ni­tion of valuable and long-term work towards sus­tai­nable tourism.