Idyl­lic accom­mo­da­tion and cara­van park

Our accom­mo­da­tion offe­ring inclu­des, for example, the Tapion­kei­das apart­ments, duplex apart­ments, the cosy Pytin­ki house rooms, the Wäen­tu­pa rooms, and the roman­tic gra­na­ries which are in sum­mer use. Our total accom­mo­da­tion capaci­ty in the sum­mer is approx. 150 per­sons and in the win­ter approx. 100 per­sons. All accom­mo­da­tion faci­li­ties are loca­ted clo­se to the main buil­ding. The­re are sea­so­nal sites for cam­pers all year round.

Make your boo­king direct­ly with us

When you book your accom­mo­da­tion with us, you pay the best price and get flexible cancel­la­tion terms. You can pay for the room when you arri­ve.
08 466 622 or


The four apart­ments for 68 people inclu­de two bedrooms, an open concept kitc­hen and living room, coo­ker, dishwas­her, mic­rowa­ve oven, frid­ge and small freezer, cof­fee­ma­ker, water kett­le, vacuum clea­ner, was­hing mac­hi­ne, drying cabi­net, iron, sau­na, toi­let, fireplace, cable TV, radio, car­port, ter­race and linens.


Six apart­ments for 46 people each. The apart­ments have an open concept kitc­hen and living room, one bedroom, loft, fireplace, coo­ker, dishwas­her, frid­ge and small freezer, cable TV, mic­rowa­ve oven, cof­fee­ma­ker, water kett­le, vacuum clea­ner, sau­na, toi­let and linens.


The tra­di­tio­nal Ostro­both­nian house Pytin­ki offers cosy accom­mo­da­tion for groups and con­fe­rence par­tici­pants. Pytin­ki has six rooms for two people and two rooms for four people. Each room has a shower, toi­let, TV and linens. Pytinki’s sha­red living area has a coo­ker top, mic­rowa­ve oven, frid­ge and fireplace. The rooms are rated as *Bed & Break­fast. Some of the rooms are loca­ted on the second floor.


The Wäen­tu­pa house has four rooms for four people, each with a frid­ge, toi­let, hand shower and TV, but no linens. The rooms are loca­ted on the second floor.


The­re are roman­tic gra­na­ries for 28 people. The small rooms have a coo­ker top, frid­ge and an elect­ric radia­tor, but no linens.  The shower and toi­let faci­li­ties are loca­ted in a sepa­ra­te buil­ding. The gra­na­ry rooms are only in use during the summer.


Six rooms for two people each. The rooms have elect­ric hea­ting, but no other modern con­ve­niences or linens. The shower and toi­let faci­li­ties are loca­ted in a sepa­ra­te buil­ding. The Luh­ti­huo­ne cabin rooms are only in use during the summer.


At Tapion Tupa, along road 8, we have a com­for­table cara­van area open all year round. You are welco­me to stop by or stay lon­ger. We have sea­so­nal sites for both win­ter and summer.