Relax, eat, sleep and organise conferences at the Hiekkasärkät dunes

Tapion Tupa is an idyl­lic and cozy venue for eating, mee­ting and holi­day fun along road 8 at Kala­jo­ki Hiek­ka­sär­kät. We offer tas­ty local food, expe­riences, rus­tic sty­le accom­mo­da­tion and mee­ting ser­vices for the who­le family.

A restaurant / café worth visiting

Eve­ry day, our res­tau­rant ser­ves good Ostro­both­nian local home­ma­de food made from pure ingre­dients. The café ser­ves our famous pastries and panca­kes, baked on site. Our pro­ducts are home baked and the tas­te pro­ves it!

Idyllic accommodation and caravan park

Whet­her you are loo­king for a cot­ta­ge, a camp­si­te or a room, Tapion Tupa offers accom­mo­da­tion for a wide ran­ge of needs. Our accom­mo­da­tion offe­rings inclu­de e.g. Tapion­kei­das apart­ments, duplex apart­ments, cosy Pytin­ki house rooms, Wäen­tu­pa rooms and roman­tic gra­na­ries which are in sum­mer use.

Enjoyable experiences and things to do and see

Tapion Tupa has a lot to do and see for shor­ter or lon­ger periods. Come alo­ne or toget­her to enjoy the acti­vi­ties offe­red by Kalajoki!

Facilities for parties and conferences

Delicious food, a cozy atmosp­he­re and good ser­vice crea­te a com­for­table mee­ting atmosp­he­re. We pro­vi­de expert ser­vice and assis­tance in plan­ning and orga­nizing your events.

The­re are dif­fe­rent sizes of rooms for mee­tings and par­ties to choo­se from.

Tapion Puoti along road 8 offers food, gifts and souvenirs.