For children

Litt­le bear’s pla­te (M)

Meat­balls, french fries and fresh salad
8,00 €

Litt­le bear’s broi­ler (L,G)

Broi­ler fil­let, pota­toes, cream sauce and salad
10,00 €

Litt­le bear’s steak (M,G)

60 g beefs­teak, pota­toes and fresh salad
11,00 €

French fries

French fries ser­ved with salad.
8,90 €

Ham­bur­ger meal

Ham­bur­ger with fries
12,20 €


8,70 €
ext­ra fil­lings: beefs­teak 1,20 €, sausa­ge 1,20 €, chee­se 0,50 €, egg 0,50 €, pineapple 0,50 €

Ain­Sa­lads and spicy fish are always avai­lable, house bread, home-brewed kvass, milk, juice and water for drinks. A glu­ten-free and milk-free option is also avai­lable eve­ry day.
M=milk-free, G=gluten-free, L=lactose-free VL=low-lactose

Kokoon­tu­mis­ra­joi­tuk­set eivät kos­ke ravin­to­lan nor­maa­lia toi­min­taa. Ra­vintolat Gat­he­ring restric­tions do not apply to the nor­mal ope­ra­tion of the res­tau­rant. Res­tau­rants comply with obli­ga­tions and restric­tions under the Com­mu­nicable Disea­ses Act.

Our res­tau­rant uses self-moni­to­ring to ensu­re that the pre­mi­ses are suf­ficient­ly spacious and that cus­to­mers have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to keep a suf­ficient dis­tance from other cus­to­mers. We also take special care of the hygie­ne of our pre­mi­ses.

Our instruc­tions for cus­to­mers:
- Do not come to the res­tau­rant if you have symp­toms con­sis­tent with the coro­na­vi­rus
- Plea­se come only if you’re not sick
- Disin­fect or wash your hands when you enter the res­tau­rant
- If you sneeze or cough, use a dis­po­sable hand­kerc­hief. If it is not avai­lable, cough into your elbow
- Pay atten­tion to others and keep a safe dis­tance from any­one out­si­de your partyy

 We reser­ve the right to make changes.