Our principles

At Tapion Tupa, we focus on cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion and cus­to­mer-orien­ted ser­vice. We are a Fin­nish-based com­pa­ny that is cus­to­mer-friend­ly, envi­ron­men­tal­ly conscious, and dedica­ted to pro­vi­ding high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts and services.

In our ope­ra­tions, a spi­rit of pea­sant­ry is impor­tant. We want our cus­to­mers to expe­rience his­to­ry with qua­li­ty in the pre­sent day.

Tapion Tupa offers equal tra­vel ser­vices. This means that the com­pa­ny con­si­ders fami­lies, seniors, and tra­ve­lers with phy­sical or sen­so­ry impairments.

We prio­ri­tize the well-being and safe­ty of our staff. Emplo­yees are trai­ned and com­mit­ted to fol­lowing their assig­ned tasks. By ensu­ring the well-being of our emplo­yees, we gua­ran­tee the best pos­sible ser­vice for our customers.