Enjoyable experiences and things to do and see

Tapion Tupa has a lot to do and see for shor­ter or lon­ger periods. Come alo­ne or toget­her to enjoy the acti­vi­ties offe­red by Kala­jo­ki.

In addi­tion to the accom­mo­da­tion and res­tau­rant ser­vices, we offer an out­door swim­ming park, an art exhi­bi­tion and various events all year round. The mag­ni­ficent natu­re trails in Sii­po­jo­ki and Hiek­ka­sär­kät start at Tapion Tupa, and you can also get the­re by ren­ting a fat­bi­ke. And all this just off road 8, wit­hin wal­king dis­tance of other ser­vices offe­red in the Hiek­ka­sär­kät area.

All this just off road 8, just a short walk from other ser­vices of Hiekkasärkät.

Tapioland — a water dogs dream!

Enjoy a stea­my sau­na, take a refres­hing dip in the pool or throw your­self into the water slide!

Fatbike rental

Rent a Fat­bi­ke from Tapion Tupa and easi­ly explo­re the near­by terrain.

Art Exhibitions

Stop for a moment and enjoy art expe­riences indoors and out­doors. Tapion Tupa hosts chan­ging art exhi­bi­tions, and the­re are skil­ful woo­den sculp­tu­res in the cour­ty­ard to admire.

Local possibilities

The mag­ni­ficent natu­re trails of Sii­po­jo­ki and Hiek­ka­sär­kät start from Tapion Tupa, whe­re you can head even with a Fat­bi­ke ren­ted from us.

We are wit­hin wal­king dis­tance of all the ser­vices of Hiekkasärkät!

Tapion Puoti along road 8 offers food, gifts and souvenirs.